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The Price of Power Page 10
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Page 10
“Did she fool you with her desire for you as well? You may not be as pleased at the consummation as you had hoped.”
“Our compatibility is a ten. Physically, she can’t resist me. You’ve seen what happens when I touch her. Once she realizes this, she’ll accept me.” Gregor sighed. “For now, I need control of her mind, not her body. Even a weak bond will strengthen over time. After the final transformation, she’ll be incapable of lying to me ever again.”
"What about disobeying? We have nothing if her obedience isn't secured. You know what you must demand of her."
“I do, and I hate what is coming." Gregor sighed. "Please get some towels and clothes for Elise.”
“You use her Earth name? We remove those for a reason.” The High Tender opened one of the cabinets, and retrieved several towels. He watched as Gregor placed her body under the shower.
“Elise is the name she responds to best. She hasn’t accepted her place in our world.” He cooed in her ear and wiped soap off her forehead. “I’m going to give you a reason to care about the Vendel, Elise. I’m going to turn your rage into something I can use. I’m going to show you something worse than me to fear.”
“What do you plan?”
Gregor’s voice went icy cold.
Elise shivered despite the warm water pouring over her body.
“Ultimately, I defer to you, but I think you’ll agree. She uses her powers differently. Beginning with the Vector, the Tenderstat, the Activator, and even the most severe Tender Training, she is wired differently from the rest. Her biology is something we've never seen. When she acts unconsciously, WOR-skill flows out of her effortlessly. When she thinks about it, she stutters and stumbles through the most basic of drills. I want to tap into her unconscious mind. That’s where her power lies. To do that, I need her bonded to me.”
Gregor scrubbed her hair now. He sat on the floor of the shower and cradled her head in his lap.
Steam filled the room and she breathed in the thick air. His touch was gentle. His voice smooth and it soothed her jangled nerves. The cadence of his words took her up and down in a gentle, lulling rhythm.
Where have you gone, my sisters?
“The control she demonstrated in the park…the ability to tie off the construct was impressive. Have you ever seen a s’vlor do that at this stage? I want her out of WOR-skill training all together. I want her to observe true WOR and let her abilities take form organically.”
Elise closed her eyes and allowed the pain of Tender Training to leave her body and swirl down the drain. Gregor’s touch awakened her and pulled her back to her body. Which was exactly where she wanted to be so she could feel more of his electric touch. But how could she want that from a man who had sentenced her to such brutal torture? Is that why the High Tenders wielded the braklav and not the v’lor lords?
She sighed as Gregor squeezed the water out of her hair and wrapped her in a towel. She felt pampered. Cared for. Cherished? Maybe even loved.
“Now, opés, if you can hear me, I’m going to wrap you up and put you to bed. Sleep. Tender Training is finished. You are forgiven. No more pain. Relax. Dream.” He kissed the top of her head and carried her to her room. “You may speak with your friends again. They will comfort you.” He laid her out on her bed, kissed her forehead, and pulled up the covers.
"And what about the S'Lorek?" The High Tender said with a snort.
"Later," Gregor whispered. "That will come later."
The men left her room, and their voices trailed down the hall getting fainter with distance.
“Get Lady Calcask s’Adreta to watch her through the night." Gregor issued commands to High Tender Marcus, tipping the balance of power between the men once again. "Check her yourself in the morning.”
“I’ll place a WOR-guard on duty.”
“No guards. Have her friends tend to her. Make sure she gets up in the morning.”
“And if she doesn’t?”
“She will.” Gregor spoke with conviction. “Do I have your consent to train her in this fashion?”
“Yes, but with reservations. I don’t know if what you propose will be any different, but I’ll allow a trial period.”
“Thank you, Master Tender—”
“You have two days to bring her around, two cycles to show some improvement, and a Sun cycle to convince me to let you continue. If I’m not satisfied, she must return to WOR-skill training.”
“Agreed, Master Tender.”
Chapter Fifteen
Gambit, Day 223
A soft soprano sang a lullaby. It called Elise out from the darkness. She rolled over and hugged herself tight, not wanting to wake.
“Elise?” Soft words percolated in her mind. Someone rubbed her head and straightened out her hair.
“Elise isn’t here anymore,” she murmured. Was that true? No, no, I’m here, just not there. Don’t want to be there anymore.
A voice from the dark spoke, You have to come back. We need you.
Who are you? Elise twisted in the darkness searching for the unfamiliar voice.
We need you.
Don’t let them win! Elise knew that voice. Malice’s ire was unmistakable.
Malice, who is that?
Don’t know…she’s a lurker. Can’t smell her either.
And the others? Elise asked. Where are they?
We’re here, Whimper and Shriek whispered.
Elise struggled. It was so much nicer, warm and cozy, in the darkness. The plaintive voices of her sisters tugged and pushed her into the light, where the humming became louder.
“Elise? Are you ok?” The voice sounded like gentle Aomi.
“What’s wrong with her? What happened?” Chandra’s harsh tone demanded an answer.
“What would happen to you if those bastards put you through that much Tender Training? How she survived is a miracle. We only had three sessions. She had three a day for an entire cycle.” That voice carried the unmistakable strength of Alice’s tenacious will.
“I didn’t know how bad it was going to be. I thought I was strong, like Elise, but I was so wrong. I would’ve done anything to get them to stop. Is Elise going to be okay?” Aomi’s voice cracked.
“Elise, are you with us, baby doll?” Alice hummed and Aomi added her sweet soprano to the tune.
Elise floated on the words of the song. They wrapped themselves around her in a cocoon of love and support. She allowed the music to bring her back, but it came with a gut-wrenching lurch as she returned to her body.
“Alice, Aomi? Where’s Chandra?”
A hand touched her foot. “I’m here. Oh, we’ve been so worried.” Chandra bent over and sobbed.
Alice kissed Elise’s forehead, her cheek, and hugged her tight and Aomi’s delicate hands squeezed Elise’s in a light grip. Elise reveled in the warmth of her friends. They sobbed and then they began to laugh. Soft sounds began at first and then turned lighter as relief swept through them.
“We’re still here. Still together.” Chandra sniffled. “They didn’t take that away.”
“Elise,” Alice helped her to a sitting position.
Her body felt broken, the residual effects of Tender Training. “I’m…” she paused, “I’m a mess. Inside and out, a total mess. I have to get out of here.”
Silence echoed her pronouncement.
Alice tapped in their private code, There’s no way out. They’ve won.
Elise placed a hand on Alice’s hand. I can’t let Gregor beat me. She blinked away tears. “What time is it?”
“Just after lights out,” Aomi said.
“Why are you out of bed?” That was a hard rule.
“High Tender Marcus dragged me out of WOR-skill training and deposited me at your bed,” Alice answered. “I’m supposed to watch you all night. Make sure you’re ok.”
Elise stretched out the kinks and soreness left behind by High Tender Marcus's Tender Training. Her friends surrounded her and smiled as she settled fully back in her body.
“You're all here." She tried to sit, but Alice pressed down on her shoulder, a light touch which said not to try too hard.
"Why didn't they put a WOR-guard on me? This doesn’t make sense.”
“Our instructions were clear." Aomi shifted on the bed. "Talk to your friend. Let her hear your voice and bring her back from wherever she’s hiding. Tell me immediately if she wakes."
"You've been out of it for a while." Chandra glanced toward the door. "I don’t know what he thought we could do, but we weren't allowed to leave. Not even for training.”
Elise put her hand to her forehead. “The singing was sweet."
“Aomi has the most beautiful voice." Alice beamed at Aomi, who blushed at the compliment.
"I can’t believe she’s been hiding it all this time." Chandra stood. "Do you need a drink? What can we do to help you?"
"What happened to you?" Alice asked. "You didn’t respond. You had me so scared.”
"I can't explain it. Where are they?" Where was Gregor and High Tender Marcus? Odd for them to leave her alone.
Alice sighed. "I'm supposed to tell him when you wake."
"Have you?”
“I guess I have to, but you look so worn out."
"I am. Ten days of Tender Training the first time was bad enough. Triple sessions for another cycle of Tender Training? Alice, they broke me." She pinched her eyes tight. "I'm not the same."
"Broke you?" Aomi leaned over and placed her palm over Elise's forehead.
"Not how they think," she said. "I can't explain except they didn’t stamp out my will to fight. I couldn’t make Tender Training stop, so I had to learn how to endure. I changed inside. Triple sessions…well, I couldn’t survive that. I can’t explain it, don’t want to, but in a way, I hid where there was no pain. High Tender Marcus did his damage and my body took it, but I no longer cared.”
Aomi spoke softly, changing the subject. “I’m glad you liked my singing. You're our hope. Our light. There was never a reason to sing after being captured. I used to sing for joy, but there’s been precious little of that since the Vendel destroyed our lives. I had hoped my singing would touch you.”
Elise tried to sit up, but then fell back in bed with a groan. She reached over to touch Aomi’s arm. “It was beautiful.”
Aomi spread her lips in a sweet smile. “I had thought—I had fooled myself into thinking these people were kind. I let them win. Talen, High Councilor vlor’Adreti, has been patient during WOR-skill training. He’s been gentle, guiding, supportive, encouraging. He was all those things. He held my hand through the hardest parts, but Tender Training? He sat and watched as my High Tender tortured me. I screamed and begged and he never even raised an eyebrow.”
Chandra’s voice grew quiet. “I believed even worse. Valerius, dark and handsome man that he is, I liked him. I mean…really liked him. He’s been,” she blushed, “well, he’s been stealing kisses and I’ve let him. No holds barred, roving hands and all that. I would’ve taken more, but he always stopped things well short of a home run.” She waved her hands in a dismissive gesture. “I thought, damn, but I thought there was something more between us. He not only watched the Tender Training, he placed the shackles on my wrists. Valerius told my High Tender it wasn’t enough. That I needed to obey him without thought, without question, without…well, without free will. I’ve never felt so betrayed.”
Alice gripped Elise’s hand in encouragement. “I think we all forgot why we’re here, or how we got here. These men engineered the destruction of our planet. They literally made us into WOR. We are tools, not people, which means we’re not quite human in their eyes. They’ve brainwashed all of us into thinking, believing they are…well, shoot, I don’t know?” Alice shook her head. Blonde curls bounced. “Good? Nice? Caring? We’ve all fallen for our vlor’ masters in some way or another. Even more for some?” She looked at Chandra who blushed and shrugged with remorse.
“I didn’t know,” Chandra said. “I forgot and Valerius was really kind—and his kisses…” Her voice trailed off as she contemplated his betrayal.
Alice tried to soothe Chandra. “I felt the same toward Edgard. He watched me during Tender Training with his arms crossed. Never asked if I was ok. Just looked at me like I deserved all of it. As long as we do as they want, they are kind and gentle. I think we’ve learned our true value.”
Aomi growled. “We’re the dogs they kick when they’re mad. What I wouldn’t give to shove it all down their throats.” She sighed. “Elise, I’m sorry it was so much worse for you. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be the Emperor’s s’vlor. He wanted to hurt you. I have never seen anyone so angry before.”
“He was right to be mad,” Elise said. “He thought I was obedient. You know how they are about those damned names. He made me pay for calling him emperor and not Gregor in front of all the other lords. I think it was that, and not the rest, that really set him off. I played him as a fool and that infuriated him. I have a plan though. I’m not done fighting.” She sighed with the pain of it all.
How much do I tell them?
As little as possible, Malice growled. You can't risk another mistake!
“I needed Gregor to believe I was broken. I played the part of his perfect s’vlor in every way. That’s why he was so mad. It wasn’t the code. It was the rest of it. I embarrassed him in front of all the vlor' lords. I don’t think he thought it possible for me to keep anything from him. The fact that I did, well…you saw what that did to him.”
She settled fully into her body and took control. With the exception of Malice, her sisters remained silent and rested in the cracks.
“Don’t tell the High Tender I’m awake.”
“I have to,” Alice said.
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” Elise tapped in the code shared only with Alice. A favor, please.
I have to leave.
Leave? What? How?
Explain later. Please?
Alice took in a deep breath and blew it out slowly. “Come on girls. We'll tell High Tender vlor’Vardhal in the morning that Elise is awake. Elise needs her sleep. He’ll just come bother her if he finds out now.” Alice shepherded the girls out of Elise’s room. Be safe.
Thank you.
The door swished closed with a faint hiss. Elise stood. She stretched and was surprised she didn’t feel worse. Gregor’s massage and the shower had really helped.
Alice had said it was just after lights out, which meant it was morning for the crew on the Gambit.
Ten days lost.
The jump-jet circuit qualification rounds were due to begin, if they hadn’t already started. She hoped she hadn’t missed them. But what would a jump-jet prize do for her? Money for sure, but she had to get away. She had to get them all away and a jump-jet only held two people.
I’m going to need a much bigger ship. All for one and one for all. I need to find a way for us all to be free.
She went to the corner of her room and located the bio-cart access panel. As she had done every time before, Elise prayed for a cloak of invisibility to shroud her movements and hide her activities from the watchful eyes of her captors.
It was time to fly.
Chapter Sixteen
Gambit, Day 223
Thrilled to finally be released from the torment of Tender Training, Elise rushed through the tunnels, stripped out of her dress, and donned her pilot’s red jumpsuit. A lift tube ride and a pod circuit later, she ran across the flight deck until she found Jeena. A surge of adrenaline raced through her body, invigorating her from the inside out.
Jeena spun upon hearing her name. Her face broke into a big grin and then sank to a frown. “Kid, where the devil have you been? I’ve had to reschedule your qualifiers four times already.” Jeena glared with disapproval. She scanned Elise and her anger faded instantly. “Damn, not again?”
“I’m sorry, but I couldn’t get away and I had no way to leave a message.”
“Well, there’s no fixing it now. Are you good to fly? Because you’re scheduled for the fifth run in just under two hours.”
Elise pursed her lips. Am I? Her body protested even the smallest of movements. She felt like a living zombie, but one amped up on adrenaline.
Yes! Malice screamed. We’re ready!
“Listen, Carek is waiting, and Larkin, and the rest. Everyone’s been worried, what with you not being around and not training.” Concern edged Jeena's expression. She gathered Elise and walked her toward the jump-jet hangar. “Now the pilot you’re racing in this qualifier is Wilma.”
“Another female?” Elise was surprised. Most of the pilots were men.
“For the record, women make better pilots. The men haven’t figured that out yet. Six out of ten of the last imperial jump-jet finalists were women and nearly half the top semi-finalists are women too. Not too bad a showing considering how few actually enter the races.”
Jeena continued as she guided Elise to the jump-jet hangar. “Now Carek did a little creative work with the papers. Sometimes it helps to have a neural-mind conclave member in your back pocket. Helps even more if that particular person is a little sweet on you too. There should be no chance of your sponsor finding out you’re involved. In the betting rings, you’re Chickadee.” Jeena held her free hand up in a what-have-you gesture. “Sorry, Dove insisted.”
“Chickadee?” Elise said with a grimace. “So, what do I need to know about Wilma?”
“She’s conservative. But first, you have two runs today. A speed trial and an elimination run. Your speed trial is later this afternoon, no worries there. With Wilma, pick Fox first. If you don’t get her by the halfway point, scream towards the finish line. She’s not going to go Rabbit with Fangs on you. She’ll try to go for a clean win. On the second race, be careful. I’d suggest you play traditional as well and go for the finish line, but you tend to get crazy out there. It’s up to you if you want to risk the points. If she doesn’t score a hit on you by the halfway point, she’s likely to make a dash for the finish line.”