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It Ends With a Beginning Page 9
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Page 9
“Acceptance of what?”
The corners of his mouth curved up. “Opés, that woman just asked me to marry her.”
“And did you? Are you?”
“What?” He sat back on the couch and regarded her while he tapped his foot.
“Are you accepting her offer? Is that what the bid is?”
“By the gods, no. Taking on a wife is problematic right now. Although, it’s been a really long time since I’ve enjoyed a woman’s company.”
“I find that hard to believe. You’re the Emperor. Surely there are women lined up to grace your bed.”
He raised his brows and suddenly burst forth with laughter.
She looked at him with even more confusion.
“You constantly surprise me, opés. It’s what I love most about you, your endless capacity to amaze me. There have been no women in my bed, and won't be until you. I’ve been celibate since before the Blood Rite. Why do you think I’m so eager to consummate our union?”
“What?” Celibate? No way. She stared back, blankly.
He leaned toward Elise. "Shocked?"
"Of course. Why? You're the Emperor. You can have anyone."
"Vendel are not as free with sex as you might be accustomed to. We’re not like Earth, and explore intimacy differently when not wed."
"So, you've never . . ."
Another bold laugh erupted from his chest. "Oh, Elise, we’re not prudes! I’ve had the pleasure to sample much in my life. But, I’m saving myself for you."
“Your blood altered my DNA. Your genes have been concentrating inside me, increasing in potency since the Blood Rite, and changing me, specifically my DNA. DNA I’m not allowed to . . . release . . . until the Binding Rite.” His finger circled above his lap, pointed downward, suggestively. “Honestly, it’s enough to make a man go mad, and you wonder why I’m so anxious to get you trained. I’m going crazy with pent up need.”
She saw nothing funny in his comments or his gestures.
So, this is why it won’t take long? He’s just a horny bastard who needs to get off and deposit his seed in me?
“I should be flattered.” She tried for a deadpan tone, but it was impossible to keep the disgust out of her voice. She regretted it immediately. “Sorry, that was inappropriate.”
This wasn’t going to be the intimate, passionate, sexual experience she’d pictured. It had suddenly taken on a uniquely Vendel biological aspect. Her stomach churned.
Ugh, talk about killing the mood, Shriek said.
Didn’t think we’d need a degree in biology for sex, Whimper said. I’m sorry, Elise.
He’s disgusting. Malice snorted.
"So, what now?" Elise bit her lower lip, uncertain what was expected next. "You fuck me and that's it?"
He merely stared into her eyes, pinning her in place with the intensity of his gaze. "That's a piece of it, yes. If you must be so crass, but I will warn you against any further use of that kind of language in my presence. Our binding is an experience I intend for us both to enjoy. I've thought of little else for quite some time. If you accept the bond rather than fight it, you'll find it will be pleasant for us both."
She replied by closing her eyes and refusing to look at him. She couldn't, because she wanted to do exactly what he said. But she wouldn't allow herself to take pleasure in him. She would fight him to the bitter end.
After the silence stretched past discomfort, he stood and walked to the bar. “Tell me about your day, opés.”
“Excuse me? You want to know about my day? What about Analindah? She's waiting for you.”
“Your day, Elise," he snapped, "tell me how your day went. Did you achieve your goals?”
“Yes,” she said hesitantly. Isn't that why I'm here? That was the deal. Achieve her goals with the linking project and report for Binding.
"All of them?”
What was up with him? Didn't he want to get to the part where he got to rape her and steal her mind?
“Yes,” she answered, but then she paused. “Well, nearly all. At least the important part. They formed full circles. I had them break into smaller groups and watched as my friends trained the other s’vlor. They should be able to continue without me.”
“But?” Clinking sounded through the room as he poured a drink, a single drink.
“I had hoped to have another day.”
“Another day to avoid the inevitable?” Gregor walked back over and sat down at the end of the couch. "Our Binding will be a thing of beauty, not pain. It's something you should look forward to."
“If you insist, but knowing what it will do to me, how can you expect me to willing accept it?”
"Because there’s no other option. And the bond is strong between us. Our attraction to each other can't be denied. I know how you feel when you're in my arms and when I kiss you, I feel your desire. It echoes within me."
She shrugged. It was true, and she wasn't going to waste any more breath on what the bond controlled.
“Did you manage to tie together two linked groups? You mentioned you wanted to try.”
She lied. “No, I didn’t get to practice with that.”
“So, you’re not finished to your satisfaction?”
“Not to mine.” She spread her hands out wide. “But, I’ve accomplished everything you asked and I’m here as promised.”
His brow crinkled. “You’re here because I commanded Mr. Tusel to send you.”
“I would have come on my own. I gave my word.” Her eyes narrowed and her nails bit into her palms.
“My sweet Elise . . .” He leaned back and stretched. “How do you say it on Earth? You’ve been saved by the bell? Analindah was correct, you look a mess. Get some sleep. I want you to try your project in the morning. If you believe it will increase our chances in the fight against the S'Lorek, then I believe you're telling me the truth and not stalling our Binding. But, tomorrow night you’ll be here, and I expect you to be well-rested for the rigors of the Binding. I’ve been waiting a long time to have you, and I intend to savor it."
"Then why not now?"
"Because the jump-jet finals are today. I have a vested interest in who wins. And you've assured me your pet project will save us all.”
"What?" When had she given him any reason to think that? Her heart thudded in her chest.
He swallowed his drink. “Tomorrow we switch your schedule to proper ship time. Day will become night and I can finally get my sleep cycles back under control.”
Elise closed her eyes and leaned back.
A reprieve? Alex whispered.
One day. That’s all. We're still dead.
You can't say that until the very end. I'm working on something.
“Don’t bother offering to come with me, opés. I know how much you’d love to join me, but Analindah has monopolized my entire day.” His sarcasm made her skin itch, because a threat lay buried in his words. He expected her to want what he wanted. “I’ll have to think about her offer. Although, I’m not nearly ready to settle with a wife.”
“I’m so happy for you, Gregor,” she said, her voice laced with enough sarcasm to match his own.
“My potential suitors are going to be quite unhappy.”
She shrunk into herself, but played his game. “Why is that, Gregor?”
“Because I have no intention of limiting myself to a single night with my s’vlor. Unlike most lords, it will take quite some time before I get tired of my little opés.”
“That was unnecessary, Gregor. Need I remind you that you have won?”
“I think it is I who needs to remind you. Remember what you are. Think about that as you prepare to submit to me. The time for defiance has come and gone.” The expression on his face was laced with unreadable undertones.
She was missing something important.
He gave instructions for her to return to the Fifth Deck and sleep. Then he left her to find her way back alone. Only she wasn’t going to sleep. She had a race to win, prize money to
collect, a ship to steal, and just under a thousand women to free.
Easy-peasy simple as pie, Malice cackled and danced in the dark.
Chapter Eight
Gambit, Day 281
Elise checked the lineup for the finals. Her first race was against Candice, the next with Segour. The last race of the Gambit Fleet Finals would be between her and Malikai.
“You’re tied with Malikai on the time trials.” Jeena sat with her and discussed strategy. Her delicate fingers flew over the gel flimsy as she brought up statistics. “Nine seconds per ring on your time trial is good. The head-to-head races will determine the outcome, but it’s going to come down to the last race.” Jeena glanced up from the gel flimsy. “You have to beat him. No more ties.”
Segour and Candice trailed in the time trials, ten and eleven seconds respectively.
“It’s not like I try to tie with him,” Elise complained.
Jeena bit her thumbnail and considered. “He’s your only real competition, but that doesn’t mean you can ignore Candice or Segour.”
“I wasn’t planning on ignoring them.” She placed a hand on Jeena’s shoulder. “I understand the stakes.” Unless she completely blew her races, Elise had secured a third-place finish with her time trial results alone, but third wasn’t good enough.
“Are you ready?”
Elise nodded.
“Good, you’re up against Candice first.” Jeena helped her complete the pre-flight checks, then fussed over her like a mother hen as Elise strapped into the cockpit.
Elise playfully slapped Jeena’s hands away. “I’m good to go, Jeena. I’ve got it.” She waved to Dove and Larkin, who stood on the hangar deck, as the cockpit canopy sealed her inside the jump-jet. Her friends waved back as the crane loaded her ship into the launch tube.
Exhilaration flowed through her veins as she launched into space. The beautiful water world of Malbra glittered like a jewel beneath her, white clouds peppered its surface, and blue oceans stretched majestically around the globe. She spared Gregor’s homeworld a moment’s glance before speeding over to the race’s staging area.
Candice hovered at the starting area, watching the men face off against each other.
Elise’s communication channel bleeped into life. “Hi, Chickadee.”
With a dip of her wings, Elise acknowledged Candice. “Hi! What are their positions?”
“Segour took Rabbit.”
She turned her attention to the men’s duel. Segour’s wild flying gave the win to Malikai when he hit the top of Segour’s canopy. Malikai earned two points as Fox. Segour launched a few choice words over the communications channel. As they set up for the second heat of their race, Elise brooded.
Gregor had set her nerves aflame yet again. She could still feel his touch where his finger had caressed her jaw. Thankfully, the headache had disappeared, but the buzzing remained.
Malikai took Rabbit in the second heat. Before he hit the tenth ring, she knew he would make the finish line. How she knew she couldn’t say, except to say she felt the outcome in her gut. When Rabbit slipped through the fiftieth ring, Malikai stood four points against zero. He had secured the first win of the jump-jet finals.
“Care to run the last heat, boy,” Malikai taunted.
Maximum point win in Rabbit and Fox was when Rabbit grew Fangs. After passing the twenty-fifth ring, Rabbit's lasers activated. If Rabbit scored a hit on Fox it resulted in a three-point win. Three points wasn't enough for Segour to win. The fate of their race had been decided in the first two heats.
“Don’t boy me, and no, I don’t. Enjoy your win, the finals aren’t over yet.”
“Really? We’ll see.” Malikai’s laughter floated across the communications channel.
Candice’s smooth alto called across the channel, “Chickadee, promise me this, don’t let that bastard win.”
“I have no intention of doing that. It would be nice to have the top spots filled with the girls. Care to see who gets first place?”
Candice laughed. “Fox or Rabbit?”
“I’ll take Fox.” Elise accepted her designation for the first heat.
Candice acknowledged Rabbit.
The counter began its slow count down.
Candice ignited her thrusters and took off down the course. In thirty seconds, she made it past the third ring. Given the Go signal, Elise pressed her palms down and went screaming on Candice's heels.
The thrill of the ring circuit filled her with vibrant energy. She felt alive and invincible behind the jump-jet controls. By the end of the third heat, Elise led the point tally with a comfortable four to two. As she waited for her next race, she floated at the edge of the starting area. Malikai had left the course as he wouldn’t fly again until the final two races.
Candice and Segour chose their initial positions.
The blue orb of Malbra floated off a little below Elise’s left. The stars danced in the background, solid pinpricks of light, holding promise and a universe of unknown possibilities. The Malbran sun lay behind her and illuminated the first set of rings, making them glow.
Elise considered her current status. She’d always hoped to be one of the first few pioneers in space. Her grandfather said the world was hers, but the stars had to be earned.
Little did she know that she would wind up as some galactic emperor’s personal slave, denied the most basic of human rights. Elise cursed the flightsuit and the sealed helmet as tears streamed down her cheeks. Her nose ran and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.
As the stars swirled in her vision, she traced out the cracks between dimensions with the WOR-skill. She added a few imaginary dimensions, because it amused her to try. For a second, the universe lit up with life. She heard singing and beautiful melodies, but the language was alien. If it was a language at all.
The communications channel blatted, signaling the end of the contender’s race. Elise tore her eyes, ears, and mind from the glittering starfield and glanced down at the display. Segour had beat Candice.
It was now Elise’s turn to go up against the quiet male pilot. She hadn’t said but one or two words to the man, but then she tended to remain secluded.
“Good show, Segour,” she said.
He’d won his heat against Candice five to one, earning two points in the first heat and three, as Rabbit with Fangs, in the last.
Candice’s voice chimed in. “Damn. Segour, when did you start getting so aggressive?”
“Sorry, Candy, but I need some of that prize money. Even third is better than none.”
“You haven’t raced Chickadee, yet.”
“No, but I’ve seen the girl fly.”
Elise nosed her craft over to the other two.
Candice maneuvered her ship back to the waiting position. She would watch Elise and Segour while waiting for her heat with Malikai. “Whoever wins this, takes the lead. Good luck to both of you.”
“Fox or Rabbit?” Elise asked.
“Lady’s pick,” he said.
“I’ll take Fox.”
Elise settled her jump-jet behind Segour’s and prepared for their first heat. The words of Jeena sounded in her head; a nice, clean, non-humiliating victory. Leave everyone with his or her pride intact. All words worth living by.
Thirty seconds after Segour took off, the buzzer sounded. She engaged thrusters and headed through the maze of gleaming silver rings, the fox in pursuit of the rabbit.
Segour chewed through the rings and exited the twenty-fifth ring. He piled on the speed, showing no signs of going Rabbit with Fangs. Elise chased and passed him at the forty-fifth ring. He fired a couple of wide shots. Clean misses. She dipped below the surface of the fiftieth ring. Fox had finished first, earning her the lead with a single point.
He took Fox for their second race. The thrusters of the jump-jet pressed her head back. She wove her ship along and through the course with barely a thought. She didn’t even realize she’d passed through the fifth ring before Segour began his pursuit as
Stars danced in her vision as she slipped from ring to ring. The twenty-fifth ring came and went. He fired wildly, missing her with each shot. Jeena's words rang in her ears. She slowed and allowed him to catch up and narrowed her lead. Rabbit gave Fox the finish and the race was now tied. They each had one point.
She set up for the final heat. This one she would take.
Malikai’s jump-jet approached out of the corner of her eye. He set his ship to float alongside Candice.
Elise's nerves flared, nervous about her race with Malikai.
“Fox or Rabbit?” Segour asked.
“Do you have a preference? We’re tied and you let me choose first.”
“I’ll take . . .” He paused, considering the possible outcomes. After a while, he said, “I’ll take Fox. Go ahead and line up.”
Elise lined her ship up in front of his jump-jet and prepared for the determining heat. She looked to starboard and the Malbran sun outlined Malikai’s helmet. He inclined his head and gave her a brief salute.
Her skin itched.
The light turned green and her jump-jet launched toward freedom. Segour pursued. She weaved and bobbed, dancing between his shots, but ultimately, he was no match for her skill. Elise piled on the speed and passed the finish gate eight rings ahead of Segour. Rabbit took two points and the win was hers.
Only two races remained. Elise, Segour and Malikai tied the current rankings with one win a piece. Her and Malikai’s time trial had them vying for first and second place. She had a moment while Malikai and Candice faced off.
Malikai and Candice lined up. Segour flew back to the Gambit to wait. Even if Candice won the head-to-head competition, her time trial standing would place her below Segour in the final standings, since she had already lost two races. Elise settled herself to wait for their race.
She gazed out at the stars and let her mind wander. Without thought, without effort, the lines between dimensions stretched and twisted. Elise followed the imaginary lines joining the dimensional constructs of the WOR-skill. She walked a path from the first dimension, a single point of infinite wonder, full of potential and empty of everything else. A long line ran off toward infinity, beautiful in its simplicity. A simple step off the line brought her to a flat featureless plane. Smooth and uniform, it held promise. Space unfolded with depth and mystery and she traveled within her universe.